James Lanier
Realtor | Land Pro
James was born and raised in Ridgeville, WI, located in the west-central part of Wisconsin known as the Driftless Area. He spent his childhood roaming the woods around his family farm. His love of the outdoors, especially managing the land for wildlife, was passed down to him from his grandmother and mother. His grandmother was one of the first farmers in the state to convert marginal agricultural land and pasture back into woodlands. Along with his mother, he manages his family’s 360-acre farm for deer/wildlife, timber, and agriculture. Parts of the farm have been in his family for over 125 years. For James, it has been a proving ground for wildlife enhancement projects that include: food plots, timber/forest stand improvements, invasive species control, prairie restoration, hardwood, and softwood tree plantings, shrub plantings, enrolling in government programs such as CRP, CSP, and MFL, pond construction, erosion control projects, and more. The farm also has a small maple syrup operation that James started in 2006.
In 2014 James formed two Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) cooperatives with his neighboring landowners. Since then, the two cooperatives have grown to include 10 neighbors. In 2015 he formed a Quality Deer Management (QDM) cooperative with these same neighbors and other neighboring landowners. This cooperative has grown to over 63 landowners who are experiencing excellent neighbor relationships and 2021 proved to be their best deer hunting season ever.
From 2015 to 2020 James was the Midwest Director for the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA). Through his leadership, Wisconsin broke into the top ten in QDMA memberships while holding the most events in the nation. He was actively involved in forming QDM cooperatives, hosting field days/property tours, designing deer/habitat management plans, workshop presenter, fundraising, habitat improvement projects, and more. Currently, he is working with the National Deer Association (formally QDMA) as an Independent Consultant managing volunteer Branches/Chapters in 11 Midwest states.
In 2020 James earned QDMA’s most prestigious certification, Deer Steward 3. This is earned by completing courses on deer and wildlife habitat, biology, ecology and management, quality deer management, deer herd management, principles of hunter management, collecting/interpreting deer harvest/observation data, and through his long-term service to QDM principles, Whitetail Deer, and other wildlife. Obtaining the Deer Steward 3 certificate takes years to qualify for, less than 70 QDMA/NDA members hold this prestigious deer management certification.

James served 3 years in the US Army as a Military Policeman; he is a graduate of UW-Madison with a degree in accounting. He and his wife Cathy have two sons, Jacob age 26, and Jared age 24, both enjoy hunting, outdoor activities, and working on the family farm.
Memberships include National Deer Association/Quality Deer Management Association, National Wild Turkey Federation, Pheasant Forever, Wisconsin Bowhunters Association, Wisconsin Buck and Bear Club, Waunakee Bowhunters, National Wildlife Cooperative, Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association, National Woodland Owners Association.
“Whether you are interested in buying or selling hunting land, recreational land, a farm, a lake home, or a place to live – I am here to help! I am excited to be part of the United Country Team, a state-of-the-art real estate firm. When you hire me to be your Real Estate Agent you are hiring an experienced Wildlife Property Specialist as well. I can help you find, and improve, the property of your dreams. If you are looking to sell, I provide the most comprehensive marketing plan available. Call, text, or email – I am here to help!”
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Contact James today at 608-514-5181 or Jamesl@uchunt.com Whether you are in the market to buy or sell, let James’ experience and knowledge go to work for you!